"What's My DNS Server?" actively observes how DNS requests from your computer are resolved and then shows you which DNS server on the internet was used and whether any issues are known about it. You can then verify that the DNS server that you believed was being used was indeed used.

Two obvious answers first: 1. If you already have configured computer connected to internet, you’ll find your DNS configuration in “ipconfig /all” on Windows (as David Young suggested) or by checking your /etc/resolv.conf file on other systems. 2. How to Choose the Best (and Fastest) Alternative DNS Server Jan 02, 2020 What is the primary DNS suffix for Windows 10 May 07, 2019 Primary DNS and Secondary DNS - in depth information. The primary DNS and the secondary DNS are generally applied to each newly registered domain and are considered as the two basic types of DNS. Both are name server computers where the record of your domain name is stored. To ensure you get the best browsing experience, this website is using cookies.

Feb 18, 2020

What's My DNS Server? "What's My DNS Server?" actively observes how DNS requests from your computer are resolved and then shows you which DNS server on the internet was used and whether any issues are known about it. You can then verify that the DNS server that you believed was being used was indeed used.

Jun 18, 2020

I probably don't see the difference between domain ip adress and ip address of its primary DNS server – Krab Nov 4 '14 at 19:17. Then you need to research more on how DNS works. It is not so complicated, a set of records for different purposes. If you don't understand those, you are banging your head on a wall. domain name system - What do I set as the Primary and For the Internal DNS Server, you should set the Secondary with the public DNS server, except if your router is a DNS server (almost never) – Kedare Dec 7 '10 at 22:57 @Kedare, so point my router to my internal dns only and then my internal dns server point to for primary and for secondary?