The NSA has been gathering a vast quantity of telephone "metadata" - records of callers' and recipients' phone numbers and the times and durations of the calls - since the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Jan 13, 2014 · A report by the New America Foundation found that information obtained from the NSA's phone metadata program spurred just 1.8 percent of the cases. Government claims of the spying programs success Jun 01, 2015 · For now, the stall in the Senate means the NSA can’t collect any newly created telephone records. Under the now-lapsed Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the NSA gathered metadata such as who called whom, the time the call was placed and how long the conversation lasted. Dec 04, 2013 · The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence Aug 26, 2019 · (The line between American spying on foreign companies to advance the country’s economic and strategic interests and whether that spying helps U.S. companies can be blurry.) “What we do not do Jun 11, 2013 · Binney has also been publicly critical of the NSA for spying on U.S. citizens, saying of its expanded surveillance after the September 11th, 2001 attacks that “it’s better than anything that NSA spying will ultimately benefit us all Most of us would agree that the NSA has spread its nets too far and cut deeply into our personal privacy. Ultimately, and perhaps ironically, I am Mar 18, 2016 · Ever since Edward Snowden, a former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, leaked information about the internet spying activities conducted by the NSA, there has been an unrest among
2020-4-16 · Another week, another trove of documents detailing the inner secrets of the NSA's massive spying program. Recent revelations have finally provided a look at the procedures that the NSA uses to target and retain communications under the FISA Amendments Act (FAA). As my colleague Brett Max Kaufman wrote even before this latest batch of news broke, officials have been using the word "target" …
As the others suggest, you are assuming that the Russians aren’t smart enough or paranoid enough to suspect Snowden from the start. Moreover, it is amazing what long memories they have institutionally. In any case, Snowden does not appear to have
How the NSA Spying Programs Have Changed Since Snowden a senior attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation who has been tracking the government’s disclosures. About Us History
NSA Spying Scandal is repeating Hewlett-Packard Spying Scandal (2006) story – Read HP Pretexting Scandal (pdf) by Faraz Davani, publisher Scribd, August 14, 2011; U.S. Department of Justice White Paper on NSA Legal Authorities, Legal Authorities Supporting the Activities of the National Security Agency Described by the President, January 19, 2006