ISA Server 2006 验证了 Microsoft 为用户提供最大化的安全性和生产力解决方案的承诺。 未来实现这个目标,Microsoft 在下一代安全性方面不断进行着产品创新,与从事安全方面的合作伙伴进行广泛的合作,提供完全的端到端的解决方案。

The combination of ISA server and its clients provide an intelligent security solution, more so than an appliance without clients can offer. "The ISA firewall should have only one DNS server configured on its interfaces, and that DNS server address must be configured on its internal interface (or whatever interface is closest to an internal DNS ISA Server secures your network, allowing you to implement your business security policy by configuring a broad set of rules that specify which sites, protocols, and content can be passed through the ISA Server computer. ISA Server monitors requests and responses between the Internet and internal client computers, controlling who can access Secure and enhance network performance with Microsoft ISA Server 2000. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 is more than a simple firewall product. By combining enterprise firewall and high-performance Web cache functions, ISA Server provides a common management infrastructure that reduces network complexity and costs. Download Internet Access Monitor for MS ISA Server - Monitor the Internet bandwidth usage of your company, discover websites visited by employees, create reports and charts, and export information Jul 29, 2015 · Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration server widely known as ISA server that plays multiple roles of the network router, Firewalls, antivirus program, VPN server, and web cache. ISA 2006 is the one amongst several versions of the servers launched by Microsoft. Aug 21, 2009 · ISA Server 2006 is an updated version of ISA Server 2004. It doesn’t has major difference compare to ISA Server 2004. Most features and interface of both versions are quite similar. The future version of ISA Server is Forefront Threat Management Gateway which runs only on 64-bot platform and Windows Server 2008. At this time, the current

2011-3-11 · Microsoft ISA Server 设置 为了解决网络的整体安全, 帮助企业组织控制在因特网及其内部网络间流通的信息, 同时帮助企 业加快网络的速度,微软公司设计、开发了 Microsofta Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000。

ISA Server uses a policy-based administration tool which makes management far less complex than in traditional products. Being part of the .NET Platform, ISA Server is extensible via XML and comes with an API for programmatically managing it. ISA Server, Enterprise Edition.

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