Error #1012

2015-10-17 · 经过半天的折腾终于解决了这个鸡肋的证书问题。我们自己生成了一个ssl证书,使用https发送消息时会用到。但是当把证书加入工程中,用AFNetworking发送请求时总是报-1012但是另一个人却能正常使用,把命令输入到浏览器上请求返回的结果正常。 Progress KB - Oracle error 1012 connecting to Oracle when 2015-9-13 · Any sample code provided on this site is not supported under any Progress support program or service. The sample code is provided on an "AS IS" basis. Progress makes no warranties, express or implied, and disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Error code 1012!!!! - Sprint Community Couple of days ago, phone started to run PRL Update and when it finished I looked up at the PRL under the Status and it was different than the one before (xxxx8 was changed to xxxx9) Ever since then my 3G coverage has became choppy, my phone keeps switch back and forth between 1x and Ev!!! Data down "Error code 0-1012 (0)" when installing Office - Microsoft

Follow these steps to fix Error Code 0-1012 (0) for Installing Office 365, Fejlkode,foutcode,Virhekoodi,code d'erreur,Fehlercode,codice di errore,feil kode.

How to Fix NSURLErrorDomain Error 1012 in iPhone and iPad: When we talk of tech giants, Apple is the first name that comes to our mind. Apple is the boss, no doubt


Error Codes and Descriptions - Oracle Cloud 2 Error Codes and Descriptions. This section lists each TopLink error code. Each error entry contains a description of the error, the probable cause, and the Common Error Codes – Guild Wars 2 Support Code. Error Message. Troubleshooting. 7. The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again