How do I configure my static DNS in interfaces? - Ask Ubuntu

How to Change Your DNS in Linux Aug 30, 2017 How to Setup a local DNS Caching Server on Linux? - Geekflare The last item of configuration left is to set the DNS servers that systemd-resolved will query to resolved domains. There are many options here, but either of the following pairs is free, fast, and they both support DNSSEC and DoT: Google Public DNS.;; Cloudflare Public DNS.; What Is Cloudflare's DNS and How to Set It Up

DNS Name resolution options for Linux VMs - Azure Linux

Managing DNS Settings The DNS tab allows you to configure the system's hostname, domain, name servers, and search domain. Name servers are used to look up other hosts on the network.

To check the current settings on a Linux virtual machine, 'cat /etc/resolv.conf', and look at the 'options' line, for example: DNS servers within a virtual network can forward DNS queries to recursive resolvers of Azure to resolve hostnames that are in the same virtual network. For example, a DNS server that runs in Azure can respond to DNS

Set static IP & DNS address in Kali or Backtrack – hackerkitty Oct 20, 2014